
Reporting a bug

You can report a bug on the issue tracker on google code or on the mailing list.

Retrieving the latest code

You can check the latest sources with the command:

hg clone

Bear in mind that this development code may be partially broken or unfinished. To get a stable version of the code, update to a release tag using hg update <tag name>.

Coding guidelines

Most of those conventions are base on Python PEP8.

A style guide is about consistency. Consistency with this style guide is important. Consistency within a project is more important. Consistency within one module or function is most important.

Code layout

Same as PEP8.


Standard library imports must be first, followed by SCOOP imports and finally custom modules. Each section should be separated by an empty line as such:

import system

from scoop import futures

import myModule

Whitespace in Expressions and Statements

Same as PEP8.


Same as PEP8

Documentation Strings

Same as PEP8

Naming Conventions

  • Module: lowercase convention.
  • Class: CapWords (upper camel case) convention (ie. AnExample).
  • Function / Procedure: mixedCase (lower camel case) convention. First word should be an action verb.
  • Variable: lower_case_with_underscores convention. Should be as short possible as.

If a name already exists in the standard library, an underscore is appended to it. (ie. a custom range function could be called range_. A custom type function could be called type_.)


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